Jaypee Hospital

08 Years in service
Jaypee Hospital Logo
india street, New Delhi-987654, India
Diagnostic Services
4500 BDT
Duplex Study of Right Lower Limb Arteries
The ultrasound uses sound waves to see the veins and evaluate blood flow within th...read more
4500 BDT
Duplex Study of Penile vessels
The ultrasound uses sound waves to see the veins and evaluate blood flow within th...read more
4500 BDT
Duplex Study of Pampiniform Plexus
The ultrasound uses sound waves to see the veins and evaluate blood flow within th...read more
4500 BDT
Duplex Study of Neck/Popliteal Mass/growth in other parts of the body
The ultrasound uses sound waves to see the veins and evaluate blood flow within th...read more
4500 BDT
4500 BDT
Duplex Study of Left Lower Limb Arteries
The ultrasound uses sound waves to see the veins and evaluate blood flow within th...read more
4500 BDT
Duplex Study of Kidney/Renal Perfusion
The ultrasound uses sound waves to see the veins and evaluate blood flow within th...read more
4500 BDT
Duplex Study of Both Upper limb Vessels
The ultrasound uses sound waves to see the veins and evaluate blood flow within th...read more
7000 BDT
Duplex Study of Both Lower limb Vessels
The ultrasound uses sound waves to see the veins and evaluate blood flow within th...read more
7000 BDT
2500 BDT
Duplex Study of Abdominal aorta and its branches
The ultrasound uses sound waves to see the veins and evaluate blood flow within th...read more
4500 BDT
Carotid Duplex
A carotid duplex ultrasound is performed to evaluate symptoms including
4500 BDT
Broncho Provocation test
Bronchoprovocation tests
1000 BDT
Varilrix (Chicken Pox)
Facts & Instructions Coming Soon
1500 BDT
Typherix (Typhoid)
Facts & Instructions Coming Soon
500 BDT
Tritanrix (DPT - 3 doss Hepatitis)
Facts & Instructions Coming Soon
500 BDT
Priorix (MMR)
Facts & Instructions Coming Soon
600 BDT
Mencevax ACWY (Vaccine)
Facts & Instructions Coming Soon
1300 BDT
Hiberix (Hbmeningis & Pneumonia)
Facts & Instructions Coming Soon
700 BDT
Hiberix (Hbmeningis & Pheumonia)
Facts & Instructions Coming Soon
700 BDT
350 BDT
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