Jaypee Hospital

08 Years in service
Jaypee Hospital Logo
india street, New Delhi-987654, India
Diagnostic Services
Digital X-Ray of Chest AP, Rt. Letaral, Oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Chest AP View (100% Equal Size)
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervico-dorsal spine (Cervico-Thoracic) spine AP & Lateral view
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine One Oblique View Only
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine Lateral View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine Lateral & One oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine Lateral & Both oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine flexion, extention and open mouth
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical Spine Both Oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical Spine Both Lateral View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical Spine B/V with Atlanto Axial Joint
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP,Lat,Flexion,Extension, & Rt. oblique view
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
2800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP, Lateral & Right oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP, Lateral & Left oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP, Lateral & Both oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
2400 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP View Only
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP & One oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP & Lateral View (B/V)
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP & Both oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP & both lat view
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical One Oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of C. Spine AP,Lat,Flexion,Extension,Neutral
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
2200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Both Wrist Lateral View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Both Wrist AP View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Both T.M. Joint open & close Mouth
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
2200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Both Shoulder joint AP View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Both shoulder joint (B/V)
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
2200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Both Shoulder AP & Axillary View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or to...read more
2200 BDT
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