Jaypee Hospital

08 Years in service
Jaypee Hospital Logo
india street, New Delhi-987654, India
Diagnostic Services
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1500 BDT
Anti-ds DNA
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1600 BDT
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
2000 BDT
Anti-Cardiolipin antibody
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
3000 BDT
Anti- TPO Ab
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Anti Thyroid Ab
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
2500 BDT
Anti HEV - IgM
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Anti HCV
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Anti HBs
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Anti HBe
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Anti HBc (Total)
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Anti HBc - IgM
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Anti HAV - IgM
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
1500 BDT
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1300 BDT
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1300 BDT
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
500 BDT
Alpha Feto Protein
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Allergy profile
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
6000 BDT
Alkaline phosphatase
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
500 BDT
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1300 BDT
Aldehyde Test
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1300 BDT
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Acid Phosphatase
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1300 BDT
Abscess Fluid for Anti TB IgM
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Abscess Fluid for Anti TB IgG
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Abscess Fluid for Anti TB IgA
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Abscess Fluid for AFB
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
600 BDT
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