Jaypee Hospital

08 Years in service
Jaypee Hospital Logo
india street, New Delhi-987654, India
Diagnostic Services
Breast Tumor Profile-2 (ER,PR,Her-2 & Ki-67)
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
14000 BDT
Breast Absess for C/S
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1200 BDT
Bony Tissue for C/S
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1200 BDT
2000 BDT
5000 BDT
Bone Marrow Examination
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
5000 BDT
200 BDT
Blood Group & RH Factor
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
200 BDT
Blood for Osmolality
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Blood for Microfileria
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1300 BDT
Blood for C/S (FAN Method)
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1500 BDT
Blood for ADA
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Blood C/S for Anerobic (FAN Method)
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
2500 BDT
1500 BDT
Bleeding Time
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
200 BDT
Bilirubin (Total)
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
300 BDT
Bilirubin (D/I)
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
600 BDT
Bile for C/S
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1200 BDT
Bicarbonate (HCO3)
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
300 BDT
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Bence-Jones Protein
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
800 BDT
B2 - Microglobulin
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
3400 BDT
B - hCG
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1400 BDT
Aural/Swab for Gram Stain
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
600 BDT
Aural Swab for CS
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
1500 BDT
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
500 BDT
Aspiration Fluid for AFB Stain
Doctors use this information for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other con...read more
600 BDT
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