Ms IT Hospitals Limited is a tertiary care hospital and the leading contributor of private healthcare services in Bangladesh. This has been achieved only through consistent commitment to improve the lives of people through utmost service excellence since its inception on 16th December, 2006. Square Hospital is one of the ventures of Square Group which is the top business group of the country. The reputation of Square Hospital is the result of quality clinical outcome and comprehensive care, made achievable through world class integrated healthcare facilities by highly trained professionals. Thus, Square Hospitals strives to meet patients’ standards through quality healthcare and making a difference in their lives.
Ms IT Hospital
Multi Specialized Hospital, Specialized Hospital, Kidney Hospital
12 Years in service
385/5 Block C, Uttara, Dhaka-3400, Bangladesh
Diagnostic Services
Digital X-Ray of Ba-meal of small intestine and follow thorough
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more3000 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Ba-Followthrough double contrast
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more3000 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Ba-enema of colon Single contrast of child to examin Hirscha.
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more3000 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Atlanton Axial O.M & Lateral View ( B / V )
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Atlanto axial joint OM view
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Acoustic meatus perorbital view
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Abdomen Erect Posture Including Diaphragm (Child)
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Abdomen Erect Posture AP & Lat. View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1500 BDT
Digital X-Ray of ..................
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital X-Ray for 100% (Two Films)
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray for 100% (Three Films)
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray for 100% (One Film)
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital X-Ray Extra film
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital X - Ray of Flexion and Extension
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1000 BDT
Digital Micturating Cysto Urethrogram ( M.C. U )
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more3000 BDT
Digital Fluoroscopy of chest to see movement of diaphragm with one spot film
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital Cologram/Loopogram (Barium enema) through colostomy opening
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more3000 BDT
Digital Barium Swallow of Oesophagus including Hiatus Hernia
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more2800 BDT
Digital Barium Swallow of Oesophagus
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more2800 BDT
Digital Barium meal study of Stomach, Duodenum including (G.I. Tract)
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more3000 BDT
Digital Barium meal study of Stomach, Duodenum & Hiatus Hernia
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more3000 BDT
Digital Barium meal study of Stomach, Duodenum (Double contrast)
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more3000 BDT
Digital Barium meal study of Stomach, Duodenum
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more3000 BDT
Digital Barium meal study of Ileo-caecal gut and appendix
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more3000 BDT
Digital Barium enema of colon (large gut) Double contrast
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more3000 BDT
Digital Ba-meal study of Stomach,Duodenum & Followthrough of small gut & Ileo-caecal gut
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more3000 BDT
Digital Ba-meal study of Stomach, Duodenum, Follow through(G.I. Tract)
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more3000 BDT
Digital Ba-meal study of small bowel Ileo-caecal gut with spot film of Ileo-caecal gut
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more2800 BDT
Digital 24 Hrs. late Film for I.V.U.
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital 24 Hrs. late Film for Barium Follow through
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
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